MATLAB: Some issue with recessionplot(.) function of 2012a


Hi all,
I have just installed 2012a and tried the great function recessionplot(.). The result it great! However, after the application of this function, the x-axis of the plot has along with the dates, the factor 10^5 which is of course the scaling factor of the dates if one does not datenum(.) a time-series plot.
Even if one looks at the MATLAB help file for the function, the same problem appears in the example presented therein (look at the first 2 plots and notice the factor 10^5 appearing in the second plot)
Any idea how to remove it without causing much inconvenience/hassle?
Many thanks, Nick

Best Answer

Old bug (although it seems it's not reported):
But it doesn't support transaprency of the patch, thus set the 'FaceColor' to grey:
h = recessionplot;
set(h,'FaceColor',[.91 .91 .91])