MATLAB: Solving unknown in algebraic equations

solving equations

trying to use matlab to solve the following for V2 & V3, how do i do this? All variables are known apart from V2 & V3.
Q1 = (A2*V2) + (A3*V3)
(f2*rho*(L2/D2))*((V2^2)/2) = (f3*rho*(L3/D3))*((V3^2)/2)

Best Answer

You could use FSOLVE, if you have it, though I think that might be overkill for a set of equations this simple.
Otherwise, you could use the first equation to eliminate either V2 or V3 from the second equation, leading to a quadratic in a single variable, V2 or V3. Then use ROOTS command on that quadratic.