MATLAB: Solving system of 3 non-linear equations.

solvesolvingsymbolicsystem of equations

Hello, I'm trying to solve a system of equations using matlab.
The three variables are: xo2, xo, xar
I've entered the equations in as follows:
syms xo2 xo xar
eq1 = xo2 +xo +xar = 1
eq2 = 2*xo2 +xo -4*xar = 0
eq3 = 2.063E-4*xo2 = xo^2
Then, to solve the system for the variable xo I typed:
solve('eq1', 'eq2', 'eq3', xo)
and I get this message: Warning: Explicit solution could not be found.
What am I doing wrong? I'm fairly ceratain that this system is solvable.
is it because I am using symbolic algebra? For hte problem that I am solving, I dont need a general expression for the value, I just need a number.

Best Answer

Rewrite as:
syms xo2 xo xar
eq1 = xo2 +xo +xar - 1;
eq2 = 2*xo2 +xo -4*xar;
eq3 = 2.063E-4*xo2 - xo^2;
sol = solve(eq1,eq2,eq3);
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