MATLAB: Solving symbolic Matlab equation in term of two variables (x/Va)


Guys/Girls any input will be great. I'm so stuck been spinning my wheels for hours. so.. here is what I got
All i want to do is solve this equation symbolically, for x/va. (the transfer function) so I want matlab to spit out the answer x/Va = blah blah blah. but I'll I get is weird matrices or errors. Honestly any help is appreciated. Thanks again.

Best Answer

syms s J B x K kt Va ke Ra La
La = 0;
eqn = (J*(s^2)*x)+ (B*s*x)+ (K*x)== kt*((Va)-(ke*s*x)/(Ra+(La*s)));
syms F
eqn1 = subs(eqn, x, F*Va);
x/Va == simplify( solve(eqn1, F) )