MATLAB: Solving rlc circuit using ode45


i have homework to solve rlc circuit using ode45 i tried this code and the question is how to plot Vl1 anyone can help me please and if there is any mistake in this code
function RLC=homework(t,x)
[t,x]=ode45('homework',[0 10],[2;2;2]);

Best Answer

If you were to use the code;
[t,y] = ode45(@homework,t,[0 0 0]');
the y here is your i1, i2, and vc.
From here you should know how to get desired Voltages (Kirschof law etc.).
The subplot command will be used as;
subplot(4,1,1),plot(t,Vl1) % "subplot(4,1,2)" means there will be
subplot(4,1,2),plot(t,Vr2) % 4 rows and 1 column in total for
subplot(4,1,3),plot(t,Vr1) % the plots and this one is the 2nd
subplot(4,1,4),plot(t,Vc) % plot
Similar thing for the currents.
In part 4, you just need to replace u in the function with the sine wave.
Is there any particular question you have other than these?