MATLAB: Solving overdeterminated linear equation system with specified conditions

boundary conditionoverdeterminated systemsolve

Dear fellows! I´m new in the world of matlab and i´d like to solve the following overdeterminated system of linear equations with lsqr-method.
where A is a (5×3) matrix, p=[p1;p2;p3] and b is vector with 5 given vector elements.
without any conditions i could solve the system with p=A\b or p=lsqr(A,b).
BUT following conditions have to be achivied for solving the problem
1. p1;p2;p3 are always >=0
2. p1+p2+p3=sum(p)=1
Does sombody can help me to set the conditions for the solving process?
best regards Thomas

Best Answer

Hi Thomas, If you have the Optimization Toolbox, LSQLIN can solve constrained least-squares problems:
You can use the A and b arguments to enforce that p1; p2; p3 >= 0 and the Aeq and beq arguments to enforce that p1+p2+p3 = 1.