MATLAB: Solving non linear equation with a range in MATLAB (problem)

non linear equation solving problem with range

I need to solve below non-linear equation with a range but cannot find a way to do it
Range of (x) is -40 to 30 with increments of 5. (x) is known but I need to find range of (y) and plot (x) vs (y). Please with the answer provide an explanation also. Thank you

Best Answer

Hi Abdullah,
here is the code with comments:
x=[-40:5:30]'; % x in rad or °? Matlab uses rad
n = size(x,1); % numbers of calculations
yy=zeros(n,1); % preallocation of yy to make it a column-vector
for i=1:n
yy(i)=fsolve(@(y) fun(x(i),y),0); % solve implicit equation
plot(x,yy) % plot it
function S=fun(x,y)
S=(sin(y-x)-0.5*sin(x)*sin(y)); % your function
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