MATLAB: Solving multiple integrals that include exp

code generationintegrationMATLAB Compilernumerical integration

I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong, I keep getting an error message: Error using .* Matrix dimensions must agree.
for e = exp(k.*w.*t);
Here's the code. I just need help debugging.
T = 9; T1 = 0.25; w = 2*pi/T;
e = exp(k.*w.*t);
fun1 = @(t) (1+4*t)*e;
fun2 = @(t) (1-4.*t).*e;
k = 1;
C = (1/9).*(integral(fun1,-T1,0) + integral(fun2,0,T1))
Eventually I will use a for loop to calculate C for different k values.

Best Answer

T = 9;
T1 = 0.25;
w = 2*pi/T;
fun = @(t,s)(1+4*s*t).*exp(k*w*t);
C = quad(@(t)fun(t,1),-T1,0) + quad(@(t)fun(t,-1),0,T1)
Here I was used MATLAB R2011b.