MATLAB: Solving Mathematical Relation Having If and Else Statement in Matlab

if statementmatrix

Here I am writing a mathematical relation which is needed to be solved using Matlab:
Sx=[27 0 4 19;
19 -8 -10 16;
20 -4 -7 9;
27 0 2 24];
Sy=[22 4 -7 -25;
7 2 -8 -12;
-8 -5 3 5;
-23 -9 5 13];
P(k,l)={0; if k,l=0 and k,l=N/2
{8*((sin(k*pi/N).^2)*(cos(l*pi/N).^2)+(sin(l*pi/N).^2)*(cos(k*pi/N).^2)}.^(-1), else
where k and l varies from 1 to 4 each
********** Can anyone please help me in solving the above problem with the help of Matlab? Thanking You!

Best Answer

Well you are practically there already. Just put that code in a loop over k and l (l is a bad variable name choice). Inside the loop have the if statements where you assign P(k,l) to different things depending on what the values of k and l are.
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