MATLAB: Solving large sparse system of equations with many right-hand-sides

system equations

I solve a large sparse system of equations with many right-hand-sides with the following command lines:
M = memmapfile(fil, 'format', {'double',[nadof,nlq], 'Kinv'}, 'writable',true);
K = sparse symmetric indefinite system matrix, say typical size 50000×50000 (a stiffness matrix from structural mechanics)
scalm = sparse rhs matrix, typical size 50000×10000 (each column is a load vector, with a unit load in one position in each vector)
Kinv = solution matrix (each column is a displacament vector, and due to the unit loads, each vector will correspond to a column of the inverse of the matrix K)
M=memmapfile, used to store Kinv for later use
Solution time (as recorded by the profile command) is 10000 s (3 hours).
Is the time what one should expect? Does the slash command "\" by default use multiple processors on the computer? Could I do something to improve speed?
Would very much appreciate if someone could help me to find improvements.
With west regards Per

Best Answer

Because you are processing on the hard disk by memmapfile, a SSD will be extremely useful. You can display the CPU load during the processing to check, how many cores are active in your setup.