MATLAB: Solving for an x value using ppval


I have created a linear piecewise function using interp1 which works beautifully given the x value. Is there a way for which I could solve for an x value given the Y value? Example:
hotStreamInterp = interp1(B,Hhotpt, 'linear', 'pp')';
x = fsolve(480 = ppval(hotStreamInterp, x_unknown));
How could I properly write this? Thank you.

Best Answer

It depends - if x and y are 1-1, you can just switch them in the above two lines. In general, however, there is probably more than one x value for a given y value. Then you'll have to decide whether you want x from a particular interval or all the values of x. If you know where the extrema in x are, you could interpolate in the intervals between extrema.
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