MATLAB: Solving dependend double integrals

dblquaddependend boundaries

Dear all,
i try to solve a double integral where the inner integralboundary x is dependend on the outer integrand y
int_0^1 int_0^(min(1-y,t+y)) f(x,y) dx dy %t is given parameter
I tried to use "dblquad"
Q = dblquad(G,0,1,0,min(1-y,t+y)) %t is given parameter
but he didnĀ“t recognize the y in that case.
Since this is my first question please tell me if something is unclear.
Thank you very much for your help.

Best Answer

try and read about quad2d
f = @(x,y)....
Q = quad2d(f,0,1,0,@(y)min(1-y,t+y)))