MATLAB: Solving a third order ODE in MATLAB


Hi, MATLAB is quite about this command:
syms a h Y(x) g x B E T
D3Y = diff(Y, 3)
eqn = a.*D3Y -0.5*x^2*Y == (abs(Y))
D2Y = diff(Y, 2)
DY = diff(Y)
cond1 = Y(0) == 1;
cond2 = DY(0) == 0;
cond3 = D2Y(0) == 0
Y(x) = dsolve(eqn, cond1, cond2, cond3)
Is there a limit here for solving it? Thanks

Best Answer

Do you not get this warning? If you got it, was the warning clear?
Warning: Unable to find explicit solution.
> In dsolve (line 201)
Y(x) =
[ empty sym ]
Try solving numerically using ode45 or similar.