MATLAB: Solving a linear system of 1st order ODEs using the Forward Euler method and ode45

differential equationsforward euler methodMATLABode45

I need to solve a linear system of 1st order ODEs using the Forward Euler method and ode45.
The equations to solve:
dxdt = (-1/2)*x+y;
dydt = x+(1/3)*y;
this is what I have so far:
xf = 4; %final time
xspan = [0,xf];
h = .05; %stepsize
N = xf/h;
Y0 = [6,-4.2];
myx = zeros(N+1,1);
myY = zeros(N+1,2);
myY(1,:) = Y0;
% Integrate using Forward Euler
for k = 1:N
myY(k+1,:) = myY(k,:) +...
myx(k+1) = myx(k) + h;
% Integrate using ode45
[x,y] = ode45(@jump,xspan,Y0);
title('Trajectory of an object');
xlabel('Time (s)'); ylabel('Position (m)');
legend('ode45','forward Euler')
function dxdt = jump(x,y)
dxdt = [-(1/2)*x+y;x+(1/3)*y];
Error I'm getting:
Unable to perform assignment because the size of the left side is 1-by-2 and the size of the
right side is 2-by-2.
Error (line 15)
myY(k+1,:) = myY(k,:) +…
I also need different initial positions for both methods, (6m, -4.2m) for Forward Euler and (6m, -3.8m) for the ode45 and I'm not sure how to implement these

Best Answer

You were confusing time and x position. Try
tf = 4; %final time You are integrating wrt time not x
tspan = [0,tf];
h = .05; %stepsize
N = tf/h;
XY0 = [6,-4.2]; % [x0, y0] for Euler
myXY = zeros(N+1,2);
myXY(1,:) = XY0;
tE = zeros(N+1,1); %Euler times
% Integrate using Forward Euler
for k = 1:N
tE(k+1) = k*h;
myXY(k+1,:) = myXY(k,:) + h*jump(tE(k),myXY(k,:))';
xEuler = myXY(:,1);
yEuler = myXY(:,2);
XY0 = [6,-3.8]; % [x0, y0] for ODE45
% Integrate using ode45
[t,XY] = ode45(@jump,tspan,XY0);
xODE45 = XY(:,1);
yODE45 = XY(:,2);
% Plot trajectories through time
xlabel('time [s]'),ylabel('x and y positions')
legend('x ODE45','y ODE45','x Euler','y Euler')
% Plot trajectories in space
title('Trajectory of an object');
xlabel('x position (m)'); ylabel('y position (m)');
legend('ode45','forward Euler')