MATLAB: [SOLVED]Matlab doesnt recognize the camera

cameraimage acquisitionImage Acquisition Toolboximage processingimaqhwinfoimaqtoolqimagingretigavideoinput

Hi! I am using the camera Retiga EXI fast 1394 and it works perfectly with its software (QCapture).I have recently installed the camera drivers and the qimaging toolbox and I think they are correct.The problem comes when i try to connect it with MATLAB using the next functions:
ans =
struct with fields:
InstalledAdaptors: {'qimaging'}
MATLABVersion: '9.6 (R2019a)'
ToolboxName: 'Image Acquisition Toolbox'
ToolboxVersion: '6.0 (R2019a)'
info = imaqhwinfo('qimaging')
No devices were detected for the 'qimaging' adaptor. For troubleshooting device detection issues, click here.
info =
struct with fields:
AdaptorDllName: 'C:\ProgramData\MATLAB\SupportPackages\R2019a\toolbox\imaq\supportpackages\qimaging\adaptor\win64\mwqimagingimaq.dll'
AdaptorDllVersion: '6.0 (R2019a)'
AdaptorName: 'qimaging'
DeviceIDs: {1×0 cell}
DeviceInfo: [1×0 struct]
As you can see, the camera is not detected. I have used another camera and it works fine. Do you know why is this error happening?
Thank you very much for your time.

Best Answer

I solved it. i had installed the specifial support package for qimaging but no the general one for OS generic Video Interface