MATLAB: Solve-Unable to find explicit solution


Hi there,
I am tring to use the solve function to solve a pretty long equation but the system shoot me the warning that cannot find a explicit solution
syms A X Y E R n F M p
eq = p == (M*(exp(-A/X) - 1) - (exp(-A/X)*(M*(exp((A - R + E*n)/X) - 1)...
+ exp((A - R + E*n)/X)*((M*(exp(-E/X) - 1)*((exp(-E/X)*cos((pi*F)/180))^n - 1))...
/(exp(-E/X)*cos((pi*F)/180) - 1) + M*exp(-(E*n)/X)*cos((pi*F)/180)...
^n*(exp(-A/X) - 1))))/(exp(-R/X)*cos((pi*F)/180)^n + 1))/(M*(exp(-A/Y) - 1)...
- (exp(-A/Y)*(M*(exp((A - R + E*n)/Y) - 1) + exp((A - R + E*n)/Y)...
*((M*(exp(-E/Y) - 1)*((exp(-E/Y)*cos((pi*F)/180))^n - 1))...
/(exp(-E/Y)*cos((pi*F)/180) - 1) + M*exp(-(E*n)/Y)...
*cos((pi*F)/180)^n*(exp(-A/Y) - 1))))/(exp(-R/Y)*cos((pi*F)/180)^n + 1));
Q = rewrite(eq,'sincos')
solution = solve(Q,X)
I tried to rewirte the whole equation into trigonometric terms but still cannot solve this equation. My MATLAB version is R2018b
What else can I try?

Best Answer

I think you can't find symbolical expression/solution for this equation. It's too complicated
Define all known constants/variables and use numerical approach (vpasolve or fsolve)