MATLAB: Solve Quartic Equation using root and deleting complex numbers from row

delete matrix valuesmatrix manipulation

I have a 4×5 matrix, each row being the coeffecients of a quartic equation. I use the roots function to obtain a 4×4 matrix with the roots solution. Each row has two complex numbers, not always in the same column as another row. What is the best way to delete the complex numbers and keep the solutions on the same row, just reducing the cloumn size. For example taking: [1,2,1i,2i;3,4,3i,4i;5i,6i,5,6;7i,8i,7,8] and getting[1,2;3,4;5,6;7,8]

Best Answer

reshape(YourMatrix(imag(YourMatrix == 0)), 2, []) .'