MATLAB: Solve ODE with odee45

differential equationselectric_motor_controlmathematicsode45

Hi all, I hope everyone is doing well and safe!
I have 4 differntionl equtions and I need to solve them in ode45, I tried to do it in different ways but no luck! the four equtions:
dy(1) = vas-y(2)+0.15*(0.049*((y(1)/0.1)+y(3)/0.1)-y(1));
dy(2) = y(1)+0.15*(0.049*((y(2)/0.1)+y(4)/0.1)-y(2));
dy(3) = 0-0.49*y(4)+0.15*(0.049*((y(1)/0.1)+y(3)/0.1)-y(3));
dy(4) = 0-0.49*y(3)+0.15*(0.049*((y(2)/0.1)+y(4)/0.1)-y(4));
I need to plot them as well. Any help will be appreciated.

Best Answer

function dy = myfunc(t,y,vas)
dy(1) = vas-y(2)+0.15*(0.049*((y(1)/0.1)+y(3)/0.1)-y(1));
dy(2) = y(1)+0.15*(0.049*((y(2)/0.1)+y(4)/0.1)-y(2));
dy(3) = 0-0.49*y(4)+0.15*(0.049*((y(1)/0.1)+y(3)/0.1)-y(3));
dy(4) = 0-0.49*y(3)+0.15*(0.049*((y(2)/0.1)+y(4)/0.1)-y(4));