MATLAB: Solve ODE for variable domain

ode systemvariable domain

Hi all
is it possible to solve the same ODE system for 3 adiacent different domain? Do i need something like that?
if x>x1&&x<=x2
elseif x>=x2&&x<x3
elseif x>x3
how continuity will be preserved?
Thank you for the help

Best Answer

So you would then call your ode with something like:
[x,Y] = ode45(@nozzlesinglebobb, xspan, Y0,[],xstartconica,xfineconica,Ralfa_end,Rbeta_end,alfa_end_rad,beta_end_rad,xc_end,yc_end,Lnozzle_end,raggio_end,f1,f2,f3);
where xspan = [0 x_final] and Y0 = [Pt0; M0] or similar.
Pt = Y(:,1);
M = Y(:,2);