MATLAB: Solve function give a wrong solution


Hi all,
I'm trying to solve a simple equation in Matlab using solve function. The code is:
syms x
solv = solve( (1+x/12)^12 == 1.02)
The solution is 0.0204 however Matalb give me this solution:
solv =
- (6*50^(11/12)*51^(1/12))/25 - 12
(6*50^(11/12)*51^(1/12))/25 - 12
- (50^(11/12)*51^(1/12)*6i)/25 - 12
(50^(11/12)*51^(1/12)*6i)/25 - 12
- (6*50^(11/12)*51^(1/12)*(3^(1/2)/2 - 1i/2))/25 - 12
(6*50^(11/12)*51^(1/12)*(3^(1/2)/2 - 1i/2))/25 - 12
- (6*50^(11/12)*51^(1/12)*(3^(1/2)/2 + 1i/2))/25 - 12
(6*50^(11/12)*51^(1/12)*(3^(1/2)/2 + 1i/2))/25 - 12
- (6*50^(11/12)*51^(1/12)*((3^(1/2)*1i)/2 - 1/2))/25 - 12
(6*50^(11/12)*51^(1/12)*((3^(1/2)*1i)/2 - 1/2))/25 - 12
- (6*50^(11/12)*51^(1/12)*((3^(1/2)*1i)/2 + 1/2))/25 - 12
(6*50^(11/12)*51^(1/12)*((3^(1/2)*1i)/2 + 1/2))/25 - 12
>> round(solv)
ans =
- 12 - 12i
- 12 + 12i
- 22 + 6i
- 2 - 6i
- 22 - 6i
- 2 + 6i
- 6 - 10i
- 18 + 10i
- 18 - 10i
- 6 + 10i
Why it happen? Someone can help me? Thanks!

Best Answer

syms x
solv = double(solve( (1+x/12)^12 == 1.02))
There are many solutions. The one you are interested in is rather 0.0198189756230421 but not 0.0204.