MATLAB: Solve function doesn’t run


I am working on Matlab 2017b and I am stuck on the problem of solving numerically an equation. I've followed the instructions but I can't find what is wrong. Here is my code:
syms x
solve(x^5 – 1 == 0, x)
Attempt to execute SCRIPT solve as a function:
Error in equationsolver (line 2) solve(x^5 – 1 == 0, x)
I think that the code is not wrong, but the configuration of my software could, because the code is the same as the written one in the Matlab page.

Best Answer

you have a file name called as solve.m please delete it , contradicts with the matlab's inbuilt function solve
in command window
also you can use the following solver
syms x
vpasolve(x^5 - 1 == 0, x)
location is shown C:\Users\jose-\Documents\MATLAB\solve.m just rename solve.m to solve1.m to avoid this error