MATLAB: Solve fails to find a solution for trivial linear system

failslinear systemMATLABsolve

I'm trying to find the value of G in the following set of equations by code:
clear all; clc;
syms R T S u yr y B A G
eq1 = R*u == T*yr - S*y;
eq2 = y == (B/A)*u;
eq3 = y == G*yr;
solve([eq1,eq2,eq3], G)
However, solve fails with an empty solution set, although this system has a trivial answer.
It's easy to see how it can be done, from eq1:
u == (T*yr - S*y)/R
From eq2:
y == (B/A)*(T*yr - S*y)/R
y = yr*(B*T)/(A*R + B*S)
Finally, from eq3:
G = (B*T)/(A*R + B*S)
I can't understand why solve fails in this case. I appreciate any help I can get.

Best Answer

Actually it is just a matter of telling it all three variables to solve for:
solve(eq1, eq2, eq3, y, u, G)