MATLAB: Solve an equation, answer not solved


I try to solve an equation but it keeps giving me long strings of operations (addition, multiplication, roots, etc…) with many digits numbers, did I do something wrong?
here is my code:
syms deltax
eqn = - (50) * (2 * sqrt(deltax^2 + (1/2)^2) - 1)^2 + (1/2)* 0.025 * 100 + deltax * (0.025 * 9.81*sin(pi*(1/8))+0.1*9.81*cos(pi*(1/8)))==0;
wortels = solve(eqn, deltax, 'Real', true)

Best Answer

It is giving you symbolic solution. You are probably looking for a numeric solution. Use vpa() or double()
syms deltax
eqn = - (50) * (2 * sqrt(deltax^2 + (1/2)^2) - 1)^2 + (1/2)* 0.025 * 100 + deltax * (0.025 * 9.81*sin(pi*(1/8))+0.1*9.81*cos(pi*(1/8)))==0;
wortels = solve(eqn, deltax, 'Real', true);
wortels = double(wortels);