MATLAB: Solve a system of equations.

solve system of coupled equations

Could any one please help me write the code to solve this system of equations?
Unknown: Fcl hr To Tcl h.
Others are known.
I'm a beginner, I follow the format but error always shoot out. Want quick respond thank you.

Best Answer

Is Fcl a function or a value? If it is a value then you need explicit multiplication with respect to (Tsk(i)-To)
Note that by default "i" refers to sqrt(-1) so your Tsk(i) may be trying to index Tsk(sqrt(-1)) unless you have assigned something else to i
The statements you show by themselves are not enough: you need to define numeric values for the other variables or you need to declare them as syms . If you take the syms route then I recommend changing Tsk(i) to just plain Tsk since the indexing does not matter to the solution of the equations.
The solution involves the roots of a polynomial of degree 7 whose leading term is equivalent to
158193*Iclo*facl*(31*Iclo*Ta*hc-31*Iclo*Tr*hc-200*Tr+200*Tsk(i))^3 * x^7
Because it is a 7 degree polynomial, the answer you get is going to be in terms of RootOf() and there is unlikely to be a closed form solution in the standard operations. You are going to need to solve for numeric roots by using vpasolve() or using double()
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