MATLAB: Solve a system of differential equations


System is like this:
Where A=A(t), B=B(t), C=C(t) and A'=dA/dt and 3 initial conditions exist.
m1 m2 m3 k1 k2 …are constants
Please tell me how to solve it,I already tried dsolve but there is no explicit solution
A link to a tutorial would be useful too.
And what this set of differential equations is called like ODE OR PDE?

Best Answer

Hi Vahid,
did you already try to solve it numerically? It should be straightforward to solve using ode45. You function that you pass to ode45 should look something like
function dy = fun(t, x, m1, m2, k1, k2, C)
A = x(1);
B = x(2);
C = x(3);
dA = -A*exp(k1/C);
% etc
dy = [dA; dB; dC];
and then you call ode45 with
[t,y] = ode45(@(t,x) fun(t, x, m1, m2, k1, k2, C), ...)
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