MATLAB: Solve 2 equations(type: power) and 2 unknowns


I have 2 equations wich are similar to each other with different constants. There are 2 unknowns that I wanna find. But my answers are so confusing.
These unknows are actually constants that I am looking for the magnitudes by the help of experimental data.
Here is my code:
syms c g
sol=solve([5.8723e-10 == c/(1-0)^g , 5.213e-10 == c/(1-0.1)^g],[c,g]);
format shortEng
and here is my results:
ans =
ans =
-(log(2520852119060425) - 82*log(2) + log(4835703278458516698824704/2839670036209195))/log(9/10)
It should show me 2 real numbers.
Many thanks in advance.

Best Answer

The format function does not affect how symbolic expressions are displayed. Call double or vpa on the elements of the sol struct array.
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