MATLAB: Smooth out a surf plot

3d plotimageimage processingplottingsurface

I have created a surface plot of temperature data I have, all the x,y coordinates are integer values. I simply made a variable with my temperatures and used the surf command. This is what I have:
However that is way too 'chunky' for me to use. I need to prepare this for a presentation and I would like the graph to look more like this:
The second image is just one I grabbed off of google but that is what I am looking for.
Is there any way to generate an image like the second one from my data in MatLab? Or is there a way to make the image I already have into one like the second one using some imaging software?
Accuracy is important but it is secondary to appearance here. I really feel like this should be possible but if I'm asking for the moon here let me know, I have very little experience with MatLab. Thanks for any help!

Best Answer

Yes that's not difficult at all! Use interp2 to interpolate your surface to a finer grid.
doc interp2
X = bsxfun(@(x,y)hypot((x-5),(y-5)),1:10,(1:10).'); %sample
[xx yy] = meshgrid(1:0.1:10); %force it to interpolate at every 10th pixel
grid off %turn off grid
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