MATLAB: Sloution for the question

fourier transform

we want to sample the signal { X(t)=sin(2 ft) } at frecuncy =100 , for f consider the following the three different values , f=20 , 80 ,120 ,take the sampled signal and drow the plot of fourier transform.

Best Answer

f = [20, 80, 120]; % your frequencies
fs = 100; % sampling frequency
t = 0:1/fs:1-1/fs; % time
A = 1; % amplitude here assumed as 1
for ii = 1:length(f)
X = A*sin(2*pi*f(ii)*t);
ft = abs(fft(X));
subplot(211), plot(t, X), title(['Signal of frequency: ', num2str(f(ii))]);grid on
subplot(212), plot(ft), title(['FFT of Signal : ', num2str(f(ii))]);grid on
% note: not tested
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