MATLAB: Sliding Window and Histogram

gradient functionhighest peakhistogramImage Processing Toolboxsliding window

Please help me on how to Compute Height of the each Gradient text block.. Consider width,W to be the same as the height,H. With these H and W, how to get one square block? and how to Move this square as a sliding window? after this for each sliding window, how to plot a histogram to choose highest peak. lastly Display all pixel in the highest peak as white pixels in the separate image. I need to implement it using MATLAB. Any help is greatly appreciated! Thamk you!

Best Answer

You could use blockproc() if you want it to move along in "jumps" (non-overlapping blocks), or you could use nlfilter(). But if your image is, say, a million pixels, do you really want to compute and display a million histograms?