MATLAB: Slider y lim multiply


Hi, I need help. I have a slider for moving up and down in my axes. It works, BUT I have a button for multiply the signal (2x,3x,4x) and in these case I am setting the max and minimum value of slider, and after each push of multiply button I want to set value of slider to minimum value, but it doesn't work I have the error:
Warning: 'slider' control cannot have a 'Value' outside of 'Min'-'Max' range
Control will not be rendered until all of its parameter values are valid
Can anybody help me with this problem, thanks

Best Answer

set(handles.slider, 'Value',handles.minimum, ...
'Min',handles.minimum, ...
Now the 'Value' is valid at each time, because all properties are changed simultaneously. Alternatively set the 'Value' at first before changing the limits.