MATLAB: Sketetonize 3D stack of binary images

3ddistance transformationimage processingnon-maximum supressionskeleton

I have a very similar problem as asked by Rory in April this year. I am working with 3D TiFF files of cytoskeletal structures which I would like to classify by shape (whether they are curved or straight) and length. They are separated objects, so I won't have to worry with nodes. Still I need to skeletonize, which I have not figured out how to do. I have done a distance transformation, but would need to perform a non-maximum suppression or something similar now before performing the Hough Transformation. There were no really useful answers back then, apart from that it seems to be rather difficult to skeletonize in 3D.
Many thanks in advance!

Best Answer

It is rather difficult to skeletonize in 3d. I remember looking for this in grad school and never found anything. However, this might be promising: