MATLAB: Sizing of Poly Objects in an Image

Image Processing Toolboxsize;

I was trying to measure the length and width of the each objects seen below image. I could have the each objefct seperately but is there a way to measure the length and size each object at the same code? Each red circled part are the objects and I would like to measure the length and width at the same code.

Best Answer

  1. taking the red channel.
  2. threshold to get all the blue jewels
  3. take the convex hull with bwconvhull so that you have only one blob.
  4. erode with imerode until you've gone enough to get inside the outer ring.
  5. Use those two binary images to get a mask of just the outer ring. Use xor().
  6. Use the ring mask to mask the red image.
  7. Use regionprops() to get the center of the convex hull mask.
  8. Use improfile and bwboundaries to get the mean gray level of the ring for every angle around the ring.
  9. Examine the mean gray level as a function of angle to find the dividing lines between blob on the ring.