MATLAB: Single zero, two poles, plus time delay transfer function in Simulink

transfer function

How do I enter a Single zero, two poles, plus time delay transfer function in Simulink. I need to have coefficients multiplying s. However, the zero-pole block in simulink will only let me enter the poles/zeros but not the coefficients for s.
The transfer function I need to simulate is [(0.08s + 1)*e^(-3s)]/ [(3s + 1)(s + 1)(0.4s + 1)(0.2s + 1)].
Thank you for your help

Best Answer

I am not sure if this work and I have not test it with your transfer function, but I would do something like this.
So, the Zero-Pole block is where you define the part of the transfer function without the exponential, and the Delay block will serve as the exponential part.
And of course, to improve the presentation of the blocks, maybe making it as a subsystem (maybe even plus an appropriate mask) would make it even nicer.