MATLAB: Single precision data for griddata()

single-precision for griddata()

when I use griddata(x,y,v, xq,yq), x,y,v,xq,yq are all single-precision data to save the memory. but there is an error saying " the input points must be a double array.
However when I checked the online manual for griddata(). it says x,y,z, can be single or double
So I am wondering how I can use single-precision data in griddata()?

Best Answer

Yes, it looks like an implementation bug or a documentation bug. The fault lies with scatteredInterpolant which is called by griddata. The doc says that scatteredInterpolant accepts single arrays when it clearly doesn't.

This is worthy a bug report to Mathworks.

It looks like you're out of luck, you can't use singles with griddata.

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