MATLAB: Single Line Command for Row Vector


HELP I need a single line command to create a row vector, variable named v11 that assigns the values 1/2,1/3,1/4,1/5…1/1000 in that order. It has a total of 999 terms. Please I have been trying forever but cant figure it out. It cannot be greater than 1 line. It should look like [.5,.33,.25,…,.001]. I tried using the colon command and linspace and other ways.

Best Answer

Can you generate the numbers 2 through 1000? Can you do that in one expression? (Hint - what does the colon (:) operator do?)
Can you use element-wise division to achieve what you want? (Hint - use the ./ operator.) For example, what is 1 divided by each of the elements, 2 through 1000?
The point is, try what I describe above. Learn to use MATLAB, and how it works on vectors and arrays. You learn by trying things out. By seeing what happens. Sometimes, it will help to try something that does part of what you need, then try taking the next step.