MATLAB: Sin() – Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals.


worked fine before, trying to debug – got the error only for the sin() parts
(sin(7 * pi / 8)^2)
((sin (7 * pi / 8)) ^ 2)
%2.calculate a)
disp('2. a)');
ans_2a = (cos (5 * pi / 6))^2 * (sin(7 * pi / 8)^2) + (((tan (pi / 6 * log(8)))));
%ans2 = 2.6285
%2.calculate b)
disp('2. b)');
ans2_b = (cos((5 * pi / 6) ^ 2)) * ((sin (7 * pi / 8)) ^ 2) + ((tan (pi * log(8) / 6) / (7 * (5 / 2))));
%ans2_b = 0.2325

Best Answer

clear sin % since it's a variable