MATLAB: Simultaneous Plotting of many trajectories together in one plot


I have two matrices representing the X and Y coordinates of various particles over time. For example if my dataset contains three particles each of which existed for 5 time units then the matrices that I will have is as follows:
Xcoordinates= [120,121,126,128,130; 107,106,106,105,105; 128,128,130,132,136];
Ycoordinates=[73,75,76,74,78; 76,80,82,87,85; 39,39,40,41,45];
Here, each row is representing one object and the columns are representing its position (X/Y coordinate) at any instant of time.
I want to plot the trajectories of the particles in the same graph. For this, presently I am using a for loop:
for i = 1: size(Xcoordinates,1)
hold on
hold off
I have attached the image that I get. I have many objects (~ 1000s which have lifetimes of 100s of units), thereby making the for loop very slow. Is there anyway to simultaneously plot all the objects without using a for loop?

Best Answer

No loop required. The key is that the data for any one line should be down a column.