MATLAB: Simultaneous digital and analog output using data acquisition toolbox

analogdaqData Acquisition ToolboxdigitalMATLABnisession

I am using a NI-DAQ 6216 with Matlab's Data Acquisition Toolbox. The device has two analog output channels and I need to use both simultaneously to output arbitrary waveforms. At the same time, I want to use a digital output to drive an LED that signals when the analog signals are produced.
I tried to follow this example using the session based interface:
s = daq.createSession('ni');
And I get the message:
Warning: A channel that does not support clocked sampling was added to the session. Clocked operations using startForeground and startBackground will be disabled. Only on-demand operations using inputSingleScan and outputSingleScan can be done.
So I can't use startForeground and startBackground, which I need to produce my analog outputs. Is there any way to do what I want?

Best Answer

I solved this by setting up two sessions, one for analog and one for digital (I got the idea from