MATLAB: Simulink- Zynq-7000 several AXI interfaces in the Simulink peripheral

axi interfacezynq

Hello, I am working with the ZedBoard, HDL coder and embedded coder. In order to be able to interact with the IP created by Simulink in parallel from the two ARM cores, I would like to add an additional AXI interface both to the Simulink IP and to the SW interface. Does anyone know how to do that? I created a bridge IP in the reference design in Vivado connected to the Simulink IP but I don't know how I can add this second AXI interface to be accessible from the SW model.

Best Answer

In order for the new reference design (with the additional AXI interface) to be recognized in the hardware/software workflow, which will then let you generate an interface model with the appropriate interfaces, you need to register the reference design per
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