MATLAB: Simulink: Variant Subsystem with Connection Ports

connection portssimpowersystemsSimscape Electricalsimulinkvariant subsystems

I would like to create a variant subsystem containing SimPowerSystems blocks with connection ports interfacing the variant subsystem. In Matlab 2013a & b I recieve error messages, denying the creation due to usage of connection ports. The online documentation of 2014a suggests, usage of connection ports might be possible. Are connection ports in Variant Subsystems only supported as of version 2014a?
Best regards,
mod: Attachment contains example file

Best Answer

Unfortunately, this is currently a limitation in MATLAB R2014a (8.3).
As a workaround for this issue you may have to manually create a variant subsystem, by using the 'Variant Subsystem' block from the 'Simulink -> Ports & Subsystems' library.