MATLAB: Simulink: uint8 vector to individual uint8s

arduinoDSP System ToolboxMATLAB and Simulink Student Suitevector

I need to send 6 bytes via the Arduino TCP/IP Send block (be careful: the ethernet one, not the wifi one, which accepts uint8 vectors): The problem is that it only allows uint8.
However, I have a vector of 6 uint8 values, let's say [1,2,3,4,5,6] returned by my custom MATLAB function:
Now as you see, I have become rather desperate to bring my uint8s into a form suitable to send. Is there a way to use that Unbuffer properly? Or is it possible to somehow loop through the uints8 and pass them on to the block? Any other workaround?
Any help is appreciated – thanks a lot!
Best, Andreas

Best Answer

Hi Andreas,
I see that you are trying to serialize the vector of uint8s coming from a MATLAB Function block. In this case, instead of using the "unbuffer" block, consider using a "Byte Unpack" block from the "Utilities" folder of the Simulink Support Package for Arduino Hardware, found in the Simulink Library Browser. I have attached the image for your reference.
For more information about the "Byte Unpack" block in the Arduino Support Package, please refer below:
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