MATLAB: Simulink: Synchronous Generator plus controlled voltage source – simulation is very slow

continuous simulationcontrolled voltage sourcephasor simulationsynchronous generator

Hi there guys
So, I'm trying to simulate a small three-phase isolated power system, which consists of a synchrounous generator (with full governer+turbine and excitation blocks), a transformer, a certain load and a three-phase controlled voltage source modelled with 3 single-phase "controlled voltage source" blocks, with a Y configuration to a common ground.
I want to simulate the outage of the synchronous machine at a given time, such that only the 3-phase controlled votlage source remains in service, supplying the load. This is beeing done in the "continuous" mode. The problem that I have is related to the simulation time: to simulate about 30 seconds it takes a lot, I mean a LOT of time.
I understand that modeling the synchronous machine eletromechanical dynamic behaviour isnt quick but, I'd like it to be faster.
I previously tried the exact same system in "phasor" mode simulation and it proceeds faster, but the frequency deviation and all the other measurable variables, such as voltage and ative power appear with very high oscillation in the simulated time scale.
Is the 3-phase controlled voltage source in the format that I've constructed it, compatible with the "phasor" simulation?
Is there any way to speed up the simulation time in the "continuous" mode?
Thank you very much, André

Best Answer

What solver are you using? For SimPowerSystems models, the "ode23tb" solver is recommended, and simulation can be pretty slow with others. Look at this link:
- Sebastian