MATLAB: Simulink SimPowerSystems Breaker – Tunable on resistance, Ron


I am using a simpowersystems breaker block in Simulink and loading the simulation model I created onto a Real-Time target.
I would like to adjust the value of the on resistance (Ron) between simulation runs without rebuilding the model on the target.
This parameter is not marked as tunable, so is there a way around this?
Perhaps there is a way to make a copy of the model and modify this aspect, or is there a better way to work with non-tunable parameters to allow this functionality to occur with commands like target.setparam or other techniques to allow model parameters adjustments between runs without rebuilding?
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

You may need to make your own "variable resistor" component which accepts resistance values from an input port. Then, you could feed that resistance value in through a Constant block, which is definitely tunable.
The way you would make it is by implementing "V = IR" using Simulink blocks. You could use a Voltage Sensor to measure the voltage, multiply it by a value R, and then apply the resulting current back into SimPowerSystems using Current Sources.
You could then connect this in series with the breaker block, and configure the breaker block to have negligible resistance (or zero if it allows it).
- Sebastian