MATLAB: Simulink Real-Time referenced models

explorerparameter tuningreal timereferenced modelsimulinkSimulink Real-Time

I can successfully execute the example given in 'Tune Inlined Parameters with Simulink Real-Time Explorer'
However, once I try to add a referenced model, the tunable parameter disappears from Simulink Real-Time Explorer. Even for simple, empty and unconnected referenced models, the parameter tuning seems to break. I do want to use the features of referenced models.
How can I get referenced models to work together with global parameter tuning?
I am using Matlab 2014b with a SpeedGoat target. Block parameter tuning seems to work fine, as well as the referenced models themselves. Just global parameter tuning stops working when a referenced model is added.

Best Answer

For referenced models, you will have to create parameter objects.
>> tunablevars2parameterobjects('parent')