MATLAB: Simulink Plot from Command Window


How can I plot my simulink data from the command window or script?
When I do i get:
>> sim('HW1_number10')
ans =
ScopeData: [53×3 double]
tout: [53×1 double]
yout: [1×1 Simulink.SimulationData.Dataset]
SimulationMetadata: [1×1 Simulink.SimulationMetadata]
ErrorMessage: [0x0 char]
>> plot(tout,ScopeData)
Undefined function or variable 'tout'.

Best Answer

Hello Aaron,
Please try as follows.
% execute model simulation and store the result in y.
y = sim('HW1_number10');
% acquisition of time data. idx is the outport block number.
% For example 1,2,3...

time = y.yout{idx}.Values.Time;
% acquisition of data. idx is the outport block number.
% For example 1,2,3...
data = y.yout{idx}.Values.Data;
% plot on figure
Set the output port number you want to display in idx.
Please refer to Run Simulations Programmatically for other acquisition methods and applications.