MATLAB: Simulink, modeling of force which is a function of AC voltage

forcemulti-domain modellingsimulinkvoltage

Hi All,
I am relatively new in the matlab/simulink world.
I want to model a force (output) which is dependent on the square of AC Voltage (voltage) * Constant
F(V) = K * (V^2)
AC voltage = 1 V, 1 KHz
in my attempts to model above equation, the scope does not show the results from time zero, but from 9.99 to 10 sec.
I don't understand how to model this force.
I request for the help from simulink Gurus.
thank you in advance.

Best Answer

To clarify your question, are you using Simulink or Simscape to model this? Also, are you running into problems with the actual equation, or just with the Scope results?
Regarding the Scope: that's a common problem. The default Scope parameters preserve a buffer of only 5000 data points. You can imagine that a 1 kHz signal requires more than 5000 points, so your Scope ends up only showing the last 0.01 seconds or so of simulation.
To change this,
  1. Open the Scope
  2. Click the "Settings" button (the gear)
  3. Go to the "History" tab and uncheck (or change the value of) the "Limit data points to last"
- Sebastian