MATLAB: Simulink model without stop/terminate condition, how to add one or other alternatives


Hello, I am experimentering with this simulink model and I am wondering how I can stop the model from running programmatically when the mosaic is "done" (no more frames to stitch from the given input-video)?
I have tried all sorts of conditions, at all sorts of locations, using a stop block but it stops it when it stitched no or 2 pictures together, not sure how I can accomplish this?
Kind regards, Simon

Best Answer

Hello Simon,
It is my understanding that you are trying to stop the Simulation after the video has finished and all of the images have been stitched together.
In order to stop the simulation when there are no more frames to stitch together, you can use the "Stop Simulation" block on the "Reset" signal that comes out of the "Video From File" block. Please see the image below of the "Input" subsystem.