MATLAB: Simulink model update failing


I have an old design from the R14SP2 tools that I'm trying to migrate into a newer version of the tool. Running the xlUpdateModel on the top-level Unpile_TB model seem to migrate that block successfully. However, the log file also shows the following messages.
The following blocks are still linked to libraries containing out-of-date blocks: ——————————————————————————————— Block: Unpile_TB/unPile: This block links to reference block "Unpile/unPile". Block: Unpile_TB/unPile/Calc/CI_LUT: This block links to reference block "DPRAM_LUT/DPRAM LUT".
If I then try and run the xlUpdateModel command on the unPile model, I receive this message.
Model Unpile is locked (read-only). The update has been canceled.
What do I need to do to succesfully update the lower level models?

Best Answer

unPile is likely a customized library block. It is locked when first opened. You can unlock it by open the library model, go to menu Edit-> Unlock library.