MATLAB: Simulink model “running” from stand-alone “app designer” app

app designerMATLAB Compilersimulinkstandalone app

I am developing an app with app designer. The app employs Simulink models. I want to use the app through the standalone Desktop App.
The app runs/works correctly in the Matlab environment. However, I use the MATLAB compiler to create the app, then I execute the app and the app fails when the simulink code is executed.
How can I run a Simulink model with a standalone desktop app?
Thank you in advance

Best Answer

Yes, sim command does not work in MATLAB Runtime as of R2019b, so applications which use Simulink models cannot directly compile with MATLAB Compiler.
From R2020a, Simulink Compiler has released. With this toolbox as well as MATLAB Compiler, sim command can be compiled as a standalone application.
For limitation of Simulink Compiler, here is a list of toolboxes, functions and Simulink blocks which MATLAB Compiler / Simulink Compiler support.