MATLAB: Simulink model doesn’t output the correct results for a ODE


I'm trying to simulate a first order ODE(involving column vector) in simulink. I've written the code for differential equation in matlab files which gives the correct result.But when the same equation represented in simulink doesn't give the correct output.
So i want to know why the simulink model is behaving weirdly or i'm missing some options with simulink or its a bug with simulink.
I'm giving the links for the model and code here. # timeresponse.m # dof3.m # new3dof.slx #

Best Answer

The matrices in your simulink model are different from your script, in your simulink model set
Edit regarding to Jan's remarks
the first matrix to Mat1
the second matrix to Mat2
Also, in your scope parameters, uncheck limit data points to last under history
Also, add a gain block with value set to 180/pi to one of your first output
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